Edge of the moor

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A snowy walk up Meldon Hill

On the morning after Boxing Day we did the fairly steep walk from Chagford across Padley common  up Meldon Hill and back down into Chagford - around 3.5 miles in total.

The area at the base of the hill was very boggy and muddy but then it was a lovely climb with a dusting of snow and the summit clearly in view.

From half way up we could  look across to the snow-covered moorland to the North West and, in the middle distance, spot the extensive old granite walls in our garden at St Olaves in Murchington. The Murchington wall reputedly took 100 men to build.

At the summit the views were great with Birch Tor and Hay Tor to the South.


Joe at the top of Meldon Hill with views of Tors to the South

We took a different route back down Meldon Road to the east, past Meldon Hall and into Chagford for lunch at the Chagford Inn.